We encourage our members to host events and help steer the course of the Club. We also welcome you to speak with us concerning any interest in helping out with any of the functions below or taking on a position of leadership. You may contact us at cacpittsburgh@gmail.com.
Board of Directors:
The CAC Board of Directors meets monthly, usually the first week of the month. The Board guides the direction of the Club, and consists of three major committees:
Executive Committee (Officers):
First Vice President (oversees Administrative Committee)
Second Vice President (oversees Activities Committee)
Officers are elected by the membership (full members) each November.
Additional board members are appointed by the Executive Committee, and assume a key role with the Administrative or Activities Committees.
Administrative Committee facilitates:
Database and membership records
Prospective member contact
Hospitality and welcoming
Alumni relations
Activities Committee facilitates:
Social gatherings (e.g. parties, picnics, dances)
Dinner and other outings
Cultural events
Softball and tennis leagues
Volleyball and other indoor & outdoor sports
Community service
Weekend and other trips/vacations
Below is the current board member list. Please feel free to speak with any of us at any time.
Current Leadership:
Fran Stewart: President, Membership
Doug Biel: 1st V.P., Website
Ivan Domitrovic: 2nd V.P., Biking
Angela Greco Honchar: Secretary
Susan Harry: Assistant Treasurer
Barbara Bradley: Hospitality
Barbara Marshall: Hospitality
Cindi Heinl: Hospitality
Mike Kernan: Newsletter Editor, Alumni Relations
Joe Mosko: Community Service
Ray Jablonowski: Community Service
Rick Haskins: Cultural
Karen Sakaluk: Spirituality, Social
Chris Ringling: Softball, Historian
Gary Urbatis: Publicity, Sports, Young Adults
John Hredzak: Communications
Fr. Joe Codori: Chaplain