Season: April to August (12-15 weeks)
Day/Time: Monday and/or Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m.
Location: Moore Park, West Liberty (Google Maps)
Our summer team tennis league features an all doubles format, which allows players of all skill levels to participate. The league consists of a maximum of four teams, each having a maximum of six men and six women. A playoff format will end the season. Awards are presented at the End of Summer Picnic in September available to you at no charge.
At the Sports Mixer, typically in April, you will have the opportunity to meet your coach and teammates, and find out more about the league and how much fun it is. You will also receive the schedule, team list, and rules.
Matches begin promptly at 7:30, and all players must arrive by 7:40 in order to play in the match (unless your coach is notified by 7:30, this will be strictly enforced), so please allow for enough travel time to get there early.
Open Play: After league play, from 9:00 to about 10:00 (when the lights go out), everyone (including non-league members) is welcome to play pick-up/social tennis in the three courts at the park.
Sign-up Info:
Cost for 2025 season: $25 for CAC members, $30 for non-CAC members. (Softball League players, note price break! Only $13 for CAC members, $18 for non-CAC members, since your softball league fee already pays for the sports picnic.) Please note that the league fee is non-refundable once you are assigned to a team shortly after the application deadline.
Application: Applications will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. If all openings are filled before the deadline, additional applicants will be placed on a waiting list. Please don't send payment at this time.
If you are interested, please download a copy below. We look forward to seeing you!