Mike’s Message for January:

My term as President ends January 1st, so this is my last letter. It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve as your President these past few years. My job has been aided immensely by an extremely active and competent Board, who have been committed to providing a varied array of fun, interesting and wholesome events for us to enjoy. We are blessed with one of the most successful CAC chapters in the entire CAC International organization, and we have been going strong for more than 50 years. So, whenever you happen to meet one of the members of the Board, take a moment to thank them for their dedicated work in maintaining this vibrant and successful organization.

The slate of candidates for the 2022 Executive Board ran unopposed and was approved at the Christmas Dinner. Our new President will be Traci Musial.  Traci has served as President a few years ago, and has tremendous support based on her competent service in various CAC offices over the years. I am happy to know that CAC is in very good hands for 2022. As for me, I will remain active in the club and will continue to host various events. Thank you for your support, and God bless us, everyone.

Mike Kernan, President